
City name: Lumi
Age: 40ish
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Hobbies: Painting, gardening, making tea blends
The white haired gleaner with tan skin stands only at 166cm tall, being rather short for a viera. His build is slim and face androgynous, but his rather manly voice betrays his appearance and separates him clearly from his female counterparts. The dangling pearls and feathers adorn his hair always, no matter if he is in the work uniform or not. The curly bangs on the right side of his face hide behind an old scar.Lumi has almost got used to the cultural aspects and customs of Sharlayan, while he is still completely clueless and curious about the other regions. He is a reserved person who has suffered from insomnia ever since leaving Golmore, which can result in him being rather rude and snappy to strangers if you catch him on a bad day. Under the resting bitch face is a friendly, flirty and a loyal person with the cutest smiles, which are reserved only for the people he feels comfortable enough with.


Freyr was born in a small village on the outskirts of Golmore jungle and grew up in the forests around the village. His mother was very protective of him and almost left the forest with the teenage boy who had just come to the age to be taken away and put through the grueling life of becoming a wood warder. The mother's plan was foiled by the young kit stealing her staff and running away from home hours before they were supposed to leave the jungle in the darkness of the night.The next morning Freyr watched as his mother shed tears in the crowd as he stood on the forest's edge with the adult men, holding onto the evergreen branch his mother had wielded for a century, smiled reassuringly at her and left, ready to begin his new life to become a protector of Golmore.While he trained with multiple different weapons including the bow and the spear, the viera's affinity for both supportive and offensive magic proved most useful in his training. During the missions his curious nature got the best of him after seeing glances of people from various places and cultures, in the end he could not deny the desire to venture into the wider world and see it all by his own eyes. The thought nagged at the back of his mind for years until one day by a sudden impulse he left the clan, forests and name behind with nothing but clothes on his back and his mother's staff in hand.

Trading some jewelry bought him a spot on a ship heading to Old Sharlayan, which he heard was the best place to go if you were hungry for knowledge. The cold weather bit into his metal cladded feet as he took steps towards the immigration, his traditional viera garb suited for a warm jungle did not offer any warmth against the cold weather of Sharlayan. The viera ended up making a scene with a yelling contest with the worldly affairs official when the stern lalafell lady would not let him in the city without a name, which he could not offer.His trip might have ended short if not for the grace of a Hrothgar Studium professor who specialized in foreign cultures. The professor would vouch the viera's entrance to the city if he would act as a research assistant and feed the professor new information about Golmore and his former life for a research paper. The viera agreed to this on the condition he can use his free time to study and learn about everything while making a new life in the city.After having a staring contest with the immigration officer and mulling for a moment while snow started to fall softly to the ground, he spit out a name that came into his mind from a book of forgotten languages he had once read in Golmore. The officer begrudgingly accepted the name, wrote it down on the book with glowy letters infused with aether and welcomed Lumi into Sharlayan.Not having any money or connections in the city made it impossible for Lumi to study in the prestigious schools, but the professor kept his word and hired private teachers to teach him about many subjects including gleaning. The job seemed perfect to Lumi, he could specialize in botany which he loved and travel all around the world collecting samples, while learning more about the world at the same time. After years of living in the professor's attic he graduated with honors and was officially signed as a gleaner on the city's payroll.


English is not my first language so I might have typos and a bit clunky sentences sometimes.Home world: Chaos
Timezone: UTC+2
Contact: Walk-up/tell welcome if you see me with the RP tag on!
DMs open in discord (syrnium) and social media
Age: 30+
Pronouns: he/him
Looking for: Short or long term stories, lore driven, slice of life, combat, adventure, romance, random encounters, pretty open to the type of RP if we can come up with a fun scenario together
Roleplay preferences: I only RP in the game because I like looking at the characters, moving in the world to suitable places and making rp housing builds. Writing in 3rd person. ERP only 20+ writers&characters and no lalas.